find functionality in ngx-codemirror using angular

find functionality in ngx-codemirror using angular

Here’s a brief introduction to ngx-codemirror:

  1. Code Editing: ngx-codemirror is primarily used for integrating CodeMirror into Angular applications to enable users to edit and manipulate code within the context of an Angular project.
  2. Syntax Highlighting: CodeMirror provides syntax highlighting for a wide range of programming languages, making code more readable and easily distinguishable.
  3. Autocompletion: It supports autocompletion, which can enhance developer productivity by suggesting code snippets, keywords, and other relevant information as the user types.
  4. Two-Way Data Binding: It often supports two-way data binding using ngModel, allowing seamless synchronization between the component and the underlying data.
  5. Customization: ngx-codemirror allows developers to customize the behavior and appearance of the CodeMirror instance by providing configuration options. These options can be passed to the component using the [config] property.
  6. Code Folding: CodeMirror allows users to collapse and expand sections of code, improving the readability of large files.
  7. Component-Based: ngx-codemirror provides an Angular component (ngx-codemirror) that can be easily integrated into Angular templates.

To implement a “find” functionality with Ctrl + F in ngx-codemirror using Angular, you can follow these steps:

1. Install ngx-codemirror:

Make sure you have ngx-codemirror installed in your Angular project. You can install it using:

ng add ngx-codemirror

2. Import CodeMirrorModule:

Import CodeMirrorModule in your Angular module where you want to use ngx-codemirror For example, in app.module.ts:

import { CodeMirrorModule } from '@ctrl/ngx-codemirror';

  imports: [
    // other imports
  // other configurations
export class AppModule { }

3. Add ngx-codemirror component in your template:

Add the ngx-codemirror component in your Angular template where you want to implement the “find” functionality.

    lineNumbers: true,
    // other CodeMirror options

4. Handle Key Events:

In your component, subscribe to the keydown event to detect when Ctrl + F is pressed. You can use a function to trigger the “find” functionality.

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { CodemirrorComponent } from '@ctrl/ngx-codemirror';

  selector: 'app-your-component',
  templateUrl: './your-component.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./your-component.component.css'],
export class YourComponent {
  @ViewChild(CodemirrorComponent) codeMirror: CodemirrorComponent;

  code: string = ''; // Your code content

  onKeyPress(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
    if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'f') {
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent browser's default "find" behavior

  showFindDialog(): void {
    // Implement your find functionality here
    // You can use the CodeMirror API to perform the find operation
    const editor = this.codeMirror.codeMirror;
    const searchText = prompt('Find:');

    if (searchText) {
      const editor = this.codeMirror.codeMirror;
      const codeMirrorDoc = editor.getDoc();
      const content = codeMirrorDoc.getValue();
      const regex = new RegExp(searchText, 'g');
      let match;

      while ((match = regex.exec(content)) !== null) {
        const from = codeMirrorDoc.posFromIndex(match.index);
        const to = codeMirrorDoc.posFromIndex(match.index + match[0].length);
        editor.setSelection(from, to);

5. Bind Keydown Event:

In your template, bind the keydown event to the onKeyPress method.

    lineNumbers: true,
    // other CodeMirror options

Now, when you press Ctrl + F in the ngx-codemirror component, it should trigger your custom “find” functionality. Note that the example above uses a simple prompt for the search text, and you might want to replace it with a more sophisticated UI for a production application. Avatar

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Sourav Rai

My name is Sourav Rai and I am a Full Stack Developer. I have developed 100+ websites so far for my clients based in India, USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, and South Africa. I do love to write blog posts on Programming and I have a well established YouTube channel as well.